Monday, December 12, 2016


where did he come from where did he go where did he come from cotton eye joe..... I'm sorry.
the picture makes people think of where the person walked and the fact that the persons trail is curve and not just straight gives the picture dimension and the hill makes the image look 3 demential

"lonely I am so lonely I have no body all on my own" sang the sad chipmunk in the red scarf...  I am so sorry I really am.  the pattern adds really well to the picture it guides our eyes to the lonely person and the contrast from the red scarf to the snowy stairs.

i don't have one one for this one... oh wait... i do "the colors of the rainbow shines so bright every time i look into your eyes"... ok i need to be stopped. the color shine so bright the contrast from each other in intensity and the colors go with each other so well it just catches your eyes

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

this was easy to understand and simple it didn't take many steps 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

insta post

Based solely on the photographs she chose to post,what is the image that Jenny is trying to project?...Adventurous? Curious? Brave? 

to be a leader, to be adventurous, to always be brave, to be in serenity, to be a risk taker.

Do you think she was successful?

yes, she projected bravery with being on a tall building and looking over the side.  she projected leadership by charging ahead and guiding the person behind her. She projected serenity by the calmness in the pictures.  She projected being a risk taker by hanging her feet over the side of the building.  She projected adventure by her running head first to a new place.

Do you think that Jenny is someone who would be a good role model? A good mother? A good wife? A good friend?  

I think that she will be a good role model because she shows the personality traits of a good person, she is a leader so being a mother and a friend will be easy for her, she would be a good wife because of her serenity.

Friday, September 23, 2016

image index

questions the last girl

The image is of a man climbing down the bridge of a girls nose.  The girl has a cute button nose long lashes and beautiful green eyes her skin is pail and flawless.  The man climbing her face is repealing himself down on a strand of her hair.  I think the image is artistic and could have different meaning to many people some people would look at the image and see a man trying to closely analyze the girls facial expressions to see how she fells.  Others would see it as though the man was trying to sculpt her face so she could be seen as beautiful.  People might also see it as how a man will use a beautiful woman to get a higher stance in society like how a businessman would bring a beautiful women to a business party to show off and how men brag about the woman he has to impress his friends. The persons intent is trying to show people how women fell in the world. The size difference is to make the girl is of more importance than the man.  My interpretation is that the way a women looks is greatly affected on what men want to have.

In the full image you see a girl with large eyes the image has seams so its a picture it looks like its on an abandoned building along a industrial shipping dock. the people who would see it is the men who are on the ships. the girls face is blank and different emotion could be shown on the girls face anger, disappointment, sadness, and the felling of being alone. large eyes are symbols of innocence and little girls are suppose to be innocent. with her being the last girl could mean she is the last innocent girl.  

Thursday, August 25, 2016





